Graduating students earning either master’s or doctoral degrees are required to publish their thesis, report, dissertation or treatise digitally and in accordance with certain formatting rules. Students can also request to delay the publication of their thesis, report, dissertation or treatise.
Texas Digital Library (TDL)
Graduating students are required to publish their thesis, report, dissertation or treatise digitally by uploading it to TDL.
The document must be uploaded as a single PDF. Because electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) must be published, if any material contained in your document might require permission from another party for publication, all such permissions must be obtained prior to the submission of the ETD.
It is critical that your submission be complete and correct.
After submission, no revisions or corrections will be allowed except for those required by the graduate dean.
Thesis & Dissertation Submission System
Click the link above to begin your submission.
Technical Support
Texas Digital Library provides support to our members through training, documentation, and a Helpdesk.
ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global
To further promote and preserve the intellectual contributions of its degree recipients, UT Austin is partnering with ProQuest to disseminate its master’s theses/reports and doctoral dissertations through the ProQuest Dissertation & Theses Global database, which reaches thousands of institutions and millions of academic researchers worldwide. ProQuest also partners with major search and discipline-specific indexes for additional amplification and provides all of these services free of charge.
By distributing your work with ProQuest, you will increase its visibility and impact within the global research community. ProQuest recognizes the critical importance of embargoes and will never publish a thesis until it has been released for dissemination by UT Austin.
ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Information
Further information can be found at this link. If you prefer not to have the full-text version of your thesis disseminated by ProQuest, please contact disspub@proquest.com.
The Graduate School offers Microsoft Word templates to assist you in formatting your thesis or dissertation.
Using the Thesis and Dissertation Templates User Guide
Before using a template, review this user guide.
Format Guidelines for Dissertations, Treatises, Theses, and Reports
Theses, reports, dissertations, and treatises must follow the guidelines of the Graduate School booklet Format Guidelines for Dissertations, Treatises, Theses, and Reports. A format check is recommended before you submit your completed work. If the format has not been checked prior to submission, it will be checked at the time of submission.
LaTex Document Preparation & Overleaf
LaTex Document Preparation is an approved formatting option by the Graduate School, and Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing scientific papers faster for authors by providing an online LaTeX/Rich Text editor for their projects.
Petition to Write a Thesis, Report or in a Language Other than English
Those who wish to write a thesis, report, dissertation or treatise in a language other than English must petition to do so.
Contact Student Services at GradStudentSvcs@austin.utexas.edu
Students may request a format check via email.
Additional Formatting Resources
Template Workshop
Watch the video of our Template Workshop via Zoom.
Common Formatting Errors Workshop
Watch the video of our Common Formatting Errors Workshop via Zoom.
iThenticate by Turnitin
The University has acquired access to iThenticate by Turnitin that allows you to check your report, thesis, or dissertation to help identify potential textual similarities between your document and other previously published documents.
The Graduate School strongly encourages the use of this tool while preparing drafts of your report, thesis or dissertation, along with discussion of the results of these reviews with your supervisor.
Requests to Delay Publication
Initial Request for Delay of Publication
If you wish to request a temporary delay of publication of your thesis, report, dissertation, or treatise, you must make this request before graduation. The request should be made by using this form. If no request to delay publication is made, the document will be freely available online.
Note that it is not appropriate to use a delay of publication to avoid securing copyright permissions required for publication. Any required publication permissions must be obtained prior to submitting the ETD. The graduate dean makes the final decision regarding delayed publication.
Restrictions and/or holds on publishing requested from ProQuest do not apply to the dissertation archived at the TDL.
Extension Request for Delay of Publication
Authors who already have an approved delay of publication, but wish to extend the time of the delay, may request an extension (up to seven years from the date of graduation).
Request to End Delay of Publication Prior to Scheduled Date
Authors who have an approved delay of publication, but wish to publish their ETD prior to the date initially requested, may request to end the delay of publication.
Publish a Dissertation Electronically
Request to Migrate Format of Thesis/Dissertation at The University of Texas Libraries
If your dissertation or thesis was previously published in a printed, bound copy or on CD-ROM, you may request to have it published electronically. Complete the form above to have it uploaded to the UT Digital Repository.