From classroom projects to the final thesis, report, dissertation or treatise, graduate students are involved in research.
Overview of Research at UT Austin
The University of Texas at Austin is proud to be one of the world's leading research universities. Our students and faculty are encouraged to explore and discover in the arts, humanities and sciences — and across disciplinary boundaries.
Campus Research Units & Centers
The university supports cutting-edge research in all disciplines, offering more than 200 dedicated research units and centers.
Off-Campus Research Sites
In addition to the many research centers, groups, laboratories and services on our main campus, the university has state-of-the-art facilities spread across the city and state.
Office of Research Support and Compliance
Office of Research Support and Compliance ensures that all research conducted on campus complies with all applicable laws, regulations and university policies.
Office of Sponsored Projects
The Office of Sponsored Projects serves as the coordinating office for externally funded research and sponsored projects, assisting faculty and professional research staff in their efforts to secure and ensure proper stewardship of external funding.
Department of Statistics & Data Sciences
Get answers to your questions. This office offers students, faculty and staff free statistics consulting.
ProQuest Dissertations
ProQuest/UMI offers a number of tools to assist you in finding dissertations, including those written by UT Austin graduates.
ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from every other researcher supports automated linkages between you and your professional activities ensuring that your work is recognized.
Human Research and the IRB
The Institutional Review Board (IRB) at The University of Texas at Austin is charged with reviewing all research conducted under the auspices of UT Austin. The purpose of an IRB is to ensure research involving humans applies ethical principles and complies with federal regulatory requirements for protecting the rights and welfare of human participants.
Restricted Regions Travel Policy
UT Austin believes that international experiences are essential to our academic mission. While all travel abroad has inherent risks, some parts of the world pose heightened risks to the health and safety of travelers. To safeguard the well-being of students, faculty and staff going abroad, the International Oversight Committee created the Restricted Regions Travel Policy.
Research & Writing Tools
iThenticate is a plagiarism detection software designed to ensure manuscripts are properly cited, and also help manage workflow as documents are being reviewed and revised by supervisors and co-authors.
LaTex Document Preparation & Overleaf
LaTex Document Preparation is an approved formatting option by the Graduate School, and Overleaf is designed to make the process of writing, editing and producing scientific papers faster for authors by providing an online LaTeX/Rich Text editor for their projects.