The conduct of graduate work at The University of Texas at Austin is the responsibility of Graduate Studies committees under the administration of the Dean of the Graduate School. The Handbook of Operating Procedures of the university provides that legislative functions with respect to graduate programs shall be exercised through a Graduate Assembly.
General & Specific Legislative Powers
The Graduate Assembly has the power to legislate on all matters having to do with the academic character of the graduate programs of the university. In particular, it is charged with the following:
- Determining minimum criteria for admission and continuation;
- Approving new graduate programs and evaluating existing graduate programs at the request of the Dean of the Graduate School;
- Recommending the abolition or substantial modification of existing graduate programs;
- Setting policy concerning graduate student programs and student welfare, including teaching and research appointments; and
- Setting policy concerning graduate student support.
Advisory Functions
The Graduate Assembly may advise the deans of the colleges or schools, the Dean of the Graduate School, and the Vice President for Research on research support policies and other matters it deems appropriate or on which advice is requested by any of the above.
There are at least two scheduled meetings of the Graduate Assembly each long semester. Additional meetings may be called by the Administrative Committee or by the chair in response to a written request signed by five members of the assembly. Meetings are open unless, by a majority vote, the assembly decides to enter executive session.
Meetings take place on Wednesdays at 1:30 p.m. on Zoom. Dates for the 2024 - 2025 academic year are as follows:
September 25, 2024
October 30, 2024
December 4, 2024
March 12, 2025
May 7, 2025
Composition & Organization
The Graduate Assembly has approximately 35 members apportioned among the colleges and schools, with 6 student members and 20 ex-officio members. The chair of the Faculty Council serves ex-officio as a voting member of the assembly and as a member of its Agenda Committee. Only members of Graduate Studies committees are eligible for election to faculty seats in the assembly. Faculty representatives serve three-year terms, approximately one-third of the body being elected each year. Representatives from each college or school are elected by members of the Graduate Studies committees belonging to that college or school. The six graduate students on the assembly are appointed for one-year terms by the Graduate Student Assembly. Each of the standing committees is required to have at least one graduate student representative.
The assembly has two officers, a chair and a secretary. Its work is carried out by three standing committees that study proposed legislation and then present their recommendations to the assembly for discussion and vote at its regular meetings. In addition, the committees function to keep the assembly apprised of other matters that may not require legislation but are closely related to assembly business. The committees and duties of each are:
Administrative Committee
- Flow of work to the assembly
- Relations with the Graduate School and the administration
- The Graduate Catalog
- Funding Rules and regulations for teaching assistants and assistant instructors Student work loads
- Rules and procedures for the Graduate Assembly
- Elections
Academic Committee
- Quality of graduate programs
- Evaluation of existing graduate programs
- Development and adoption of new graduate programs
- Abolition or substantial modification of existing graduate programs
- Student programs
- Faculty work loads
Admission & Enrollment Committee
- Minimum standards for admission of students to the Graduate School as candidates for the master’s degree and the doctoral degree, and as non-degree seeking students
- Minimum standards for admission to the doctoral degree for continuing students admitted for a lower degree
- Management of enrollment
- Continuation of graduate students
In addition to faculty members of the assembly, each committee includes at least one student, the chair of the assembly (ex-officio), the secretary of the assembly (ex-officio), and the Dean of the Graduate School or a designated representative (ex-officio).
The chair of the assembly, its secretary, the chairs of the three standing committees and deans from the Graduate School are charged with coordinating the work of the committees and with setting the agenda for each assembly meeting.