Professional & Student Awards
Awards Open:
October 21, 2024
Awards Close:
February 14, 2025
Deadline extended!
If you have questions, email
Brianna Smallman.
The Outstanding Graduate Adviser Award recognizes the exemplary service of a graduate adviser. Graduate advisers provide an invaluable service to the university and its community of students, faculty and staff, and the award is one of the few opportunities available to recognize these individuals.
One award is presented annually. Nominees are not required to have served a minimum number of years, but the selection committee may consider length of term in choosing the award recipient. In general, nominations should be restricted to graduate advisers currently serving. All prizes will be announced in spring of 2025.
The award committee will evaluate candidates based on the following criteria when determining the recipient of the award:
- The nominee’s role in recruiting and retaining high quality graduate students
- The nominee’s availability and accessibility to graduate students, coupled with a demonstrated sensitivity to their needs
- The nominee’s track record in both preventing and resolving problems within the graduate program
- The nominee’s contribution to the professional and academic development of graduate students
- The nominee’s effectiveness in administering the graduate program
- The nominee’s active participation in governance related to graduate programs, such as serving on university committees concerning graduate education or the Graduate Assembly, and their ability to collaborate effectively with faculty and other administrators on issues pertaining to graduate education
The Graduate School's Online Awards System
Nominations must be submitted using the Graduate School’s online awards system. Nominations must be initiated by academic deans, department chairs or program directors.
To successfully submit the online application, gather the following components:
- Nomination Letter: A letter from the academic dean, department chair, or program director providing a brief explanation of why this individual is being nominated
- Letters of Support: Up to three letters of support, with at least one from a current or former student. These letters should emphasize the nominee’s contributions specifically in the capacity of a graduate adviser, rather than focusing on other administrative or faculty roles
- Dates of Service: Clearly provide the dates of service during which the nominee served as a graduate adviser
- Optional: Graduate Program Materials: If applicable, include relevant graduate program materials that support the nomination. If submitted, describe the nominee's role in their production or development (e.g., conceptualization, design, writing, editing, etc.)
Ensure all required materials are ready for submission through the online application portal.
2024 Award Recipient

César A. Salgado
The Outstanding Graduate Adviser Award recipient in 2024 is César A. Salgado, an associate professor in Spanish and Portugese in the College of Liberal Arts.