William S. Livingston Outstanding Graduate Student Academic Employee Award

Professional & Student Awards

Awards Open:
October 21, 2024
Awards Close:
February 14, 2025 
Deadline extended!


If you have questions, email 
Brianna Smallman.

The William S. Livingston Outstanding Graduate Student Academic Employee Award honors outstanding performance by graduate student academic employees.

Nominations must be sponsored by a faculty member, and each graduate program may submit one nomination for each category. All prizes will be announced in spring of 2025.

The nomination categories are:

  • Teaching assistant
  • Assistant instructor


All graduate students are eligible for nomination for an award if they held one of the required appointment titles during the prior academic year.


Nominations must be initiated by faculty or an administrative supervisor. Please see the Documentation section below for directions.

The Graduate School's Online Awards System

Nominations should be submitted by the hiring department or program using the Graduate School’s online awards system, which you can access at this link.


The Student Awards System will direct the nominator to a series of questions regarding the student’s performance. The nominator may upload a letter in lieu of responding to the questions provided. For full consideration, the letter must address the following questions:

  • What are the nominee's primary responsibilities in his or her position? 
  • How have you observed his/her outstanding performance in this position?
  • In what ways has this nominee been innovative or superior in their performance?
  • Please provide anecdotal evidence that supports his or her excellence in this
  • Have other colleagues (faculty, students, staff) also commented on the
    outstanding performance of this nominee? 
    • If so, what are the nature of those comments?  Feel free to give some examples
      of such comments.
  • Add any additional comments, if any, you wish to include to support this
  • If this is a TA nomination based on an AI's recommendation, please give the
    name and email of the AI.

2024 Award Recipients

Eman Alasadi headshot

Eman Alasadi, Teaching Assistant

College of Natural Sciences

Laurel Rogers headshot

Laurel Rogers, Assistant Instructor

Moody College of Communication