Doing What You Love with Anne Helen Petersen

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Everything is Interesting, Everything is Precarious: Doing what you Love with Anne Helen Petersen

What do you do when you love research, writing, or teaching, but you don’t – can’t, won’t – stay in academia after graduation? What if the career options outside academia are just as precarious as the options within it?

Anne Helen Petersen is the acclaimed author of Can’t Even: How Millennials Became the Burnout Generation, creator of the Culture Study Substack and a doctoral alumna of the Moody College of Communication.

In this talk, Petersen will reflect on her journey ten years after leaving academia, and how her own experiences shaped her feelings on the value of work. From the problems with “passion work” to the ways in which academia could reorient attitudes towards recognition, mentorship, and precarity, Petersen is a clear-eyed observer of the culture that surrounds us on campus and beyond. She is a vital voice for making meaning of the present we are in and the futures we might create. 

Come hungry - heavy hors d'oeuvres will be served!

When: Thursday March 27th, 5-7 pm

Where: Flawn Academic Center (FAC), 2.142 - Classroom ABC


Date and Time
Thursday, March 27, 2025, 5 to 7 p.m. Google Outlook iCal