Applications for Graduate School fellowships are not accepted directly from students; instead, graduate programs submit nominations.
Review the types of fellowships available for more information.
Recruitment Fellowships
Recruitment fellowships include the Graduate School Mentoring Fellowship and the Donald D. Harrington Recruitment Fellowship.
Continuing Fellowships
Continuing fellowships—intended for current students—include many named, endowed fellowships. Most are available to students in any discipline.
Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement
The Dean’s Prestigious Fellowship Supplement is awarded to students who will hold competitive, external, prestigious, full fellowships that recognize the students’ academic achievements.
Decentralized Fellowships
Decentralized fellowships are Graduate School awards defined by the various colleges or schools.
Fellowship Deadlines
Nomination deadlines for fellowships administered by the Graduate School vary.
Ph.D. Career Pathways
Ph.D. Career Pathways is a collaborative initiative with Texas Career Engagement that helps Ph.D. students in the arts, humanities and social sciences prepare for a broader range of careers within, alongside and outside of the academy.