All CMHC groups are free and confidential.
This support group is for graduate and professional students. Holding this role can be challenging when facing rigorous academic work, pressures for success, and lack of sleep and time. Graduate and professional students often struggle to have people, time, and space in their lives to share authentically their feelings and concerns about life or conflicts within their programs. This group is designed to provide that safe, confidential atmosphere and the opportunity to receive support and feedback from peers. Topics discussed may include personal and professional relationships, self-esteem/confidence, personal and professional identity development, intersections of cultural identity, and any other topics that feel relevant to participants.
To register or for more information - Interested students are asked to meet with a group facilitator to determine whether a particular group is a good fit for them. To set up a pre-group interview or to get more information, please call CMHC at (512) 471-3515.