Teaching Prep Series: Session 4

Event Status

The Sanger Learning Center and the Center for Teaching and Learning facilitate a series of active learning sessions each semester that are open to all graduate students, but designed specifically to help non-classroom TAs (TAs who act as graders and hold office hours but do not lead lab/discussion sections) develop skills specific to their teaching roles. The Teaching Preparation Series provides participants with basic training in grading, communicating effectively with students, time management, and fostering self-directed learning in students.  In addition, it provides opportunities for participants to observe, practice, receive feedback on, and reflect upon classroom teaching techniques.

We are offering four sessions this semester, and students can sign up for any or all of them.  Students who complete three sessions will receive a certificate of completion.  Learn more and apply here.

Date and Time
Oct. 19, 2017, 3:30 to 5 p.m.
Peter T. Flawn Academic Center (FAC), 328