Copyright & Plagiarism

Students are encouraged to complete the copyright and plagiarism tutorials before they begin to write, as the tutorials are designed to educate the student on frequently confusing and changing copyright laws, as well as important issues related to plagiarism.

Students must affirm completion of the copyright and plagiarism tutorials when they submit their Master’s Graduation Application or Advance to Doctoral Candidacy.

The tutorial was designed to be an overview of copyright issues that will be of importance when completing a thesis or dissertation.

This crash course in copyright law provides basic information for students navigating legal issues in their academic work.


SHERPA offers information on publisher copyright policies and self-archiving.

Fair Use Guidelines

Fair use permits educators to make certain uses of others’ works for nonprofit educational purposes.


Avoiding Plagiarism Tutorial

This tutorial is an introduction to avoiding plagiarism. Students must log in to their UT Canvas to use this tutorial.